You may still continue the study if the group size is equal. However, ANOVA is robust to the violation of this assumption. If the assumption is not satisfied, there are several options to consider including elimination of outliers and data transformation. The table produces tests of the homogeneity of variance for each dependent variable across all level combinations of the between-subjects factors. Test for Equal Variance/Homogeneity Tests

Click the Filter icon on the column header, then choose Custom Filter.Activate the new sheet with interactions results, select a column and click the Add/Remove Data Filter button to add a data filter to the column.Click the triangle button next to the Interactions table and choose Create Copy as New Sheet from the context menu.The Mean Comparison table provides statistics of post-hoc tests, to compare means for each pair of groups.įor interaction of two-way and three-way ANOVA, use a data filter to display only levels you are interested in, for instance, comparing the same level between different groups. We can use multiple comparison to determine which means are different.įor selecting different methods for means comparison, view the introduction page The H0 hypothesis states that the means are the same across the groups being compared. The significant ANOVA result suggests that the global null hypothesis, H0, is rejected. Multiple comparison procedures are commonly used in ANOVA analysis after obtaining a significant omnibus test result. This univariate perspective does not account for any share variance(correlation) among the variables.

Please note that if the variables are related, results reported to the table are not reliable. We can say overall the groups are different, and can go on to look at the Means Plot, and even the Mean Comparison table for more detailed analyses. If the P Value is less than 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected. The Overall ANOVA table shows the statistics used to test whether the groups in the main effect (or two-way interactions, three-way interactions) are different. Inspection of means and SDs can reveal univariate/variance difference between the groups. The descriptive statistics table is useful in determining the nature of variables (magnitude, missing values, etc). 2.3 Test for Equal Variance/Homogeneity Tests.